Vampire savior 2 felicia sprite sheet
Vampire savior 2 felicia sprite sheet

vampire savior 2 felicia sprite sheet

Darkstalkers 3 Darkstalkers Resurrection Morrigan Aensland SNK vs. Darkstalkers 3 Sprite Palette Felicia Capcom, bye felicia transparent background.Darkstalkers Resurrection Darkstalkers 3 Jon Talbain Capcom Felicia, Street Fighter, purple, mammal, violet png Row 2, column 2 & 3 + Row 4, Column 2 & 3.) - Remys lightest hair colour : Row 2, column 3 shows as the white of his eyes during Forward+MK move, this limits what you can do with his hair and it would be nice to have this sprite as well.Doesn't knock down but leaves Felicia at +2 on hit and +1 on guard. Tags: capcom, darkstalkers, vampire savior, morrigan, street fighter 2, felicia, idea, quote, sayings, funny, humor, birthday, christmas, sarcasm, monster warrio 0, monster warrio 1, monster warrio 2, monster warrio 3, monster warrio 4, monster warrio 5, monster warrio 6, monster warrio 7, monster warrio 8, monster warrio 9, monster warrio 10, monster warrio 11, monster warrio 12, monster. 2MP xx 623LP 23 red/34 white Good damage for a single hit canceled into a special move. Can be performed from a bit further away than the above combo. Darkstalkers 3 Darkstalkers Resurrection Cannon Spike Morrigan Aensland Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower, vampires, miscellaneous, video Game, boss png More damaging hit confirm into ES Rolling Buckler, but requires you to link into 2.MP.Current modes are Vampire Hunter, Vampire Savior, and Vampire Savior 2. Jon Talbain Legendary creature Darkstalkers Dragon, others, miscellaneous, purple, violet png Felicia updated today 1-17-12 Added win portrait, mode select, and bug fixes.Game: Vampire saviors/ Darkstalkers Author: Marionette sprites: Diedicaus. Crash Bandicoot Jon Talbain Vertebrate, Jon Talbain, horse, purple, mammal png Jedah (rei) : Jedah by rei (Vampire Savior/Vampire Savior 2/Capcom Fighting.Night Warriors Darkstalkers Revenge, Bigfoot, Darkstalkers 3, Darkstalkers Resurrection, Darkstalkers Chronicle The Chaos Tower, Video Games, Character, Jon Talbain png.Werewolf Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge Darkstalkers 3 Jon Talbain, clench, mammal, video Game, fictional Character png.

#Vampire savior 2 felicia sprite sheet series#

The series characters are based on either various kinds of monsters or their hunters. It is set in pastiche Gothic horror universe and features a highly stylized, cartoonish graphic style. Jon Talbain Sprite Sheet: Default Palette png Darkstalkers, known in Japan and Asia as Vampire ( Vanpaia) is a series of 2D fighting games developed and released by Capcom.

Vampire savior 2 felicia sprite sheet